Welcome to the 2020-2021 School Year!

Good morning!

This is your teacher here, Mr. Sajdak, and I’m going to be your Environmental Science teacher this year! Depending on which section you’re in it’ll be either me alone or Mrs. Verdi-Korte and I teaching co-teaching you for the year. As you may be aware, for the beginning of the school year (4-6 weeks AT LEAST) we’ll be 100% virtual. Unlike the end of last year, this year is going to be MUCH more structured and students will be held accountable for their work. The good news is, the district is streamlining all of the tools you need to use, and everything that you need will be available on Schoology!

Schoology is the hub where all of your courses can be found. From here, you’ll have access to all of the other tools that you’ll need. The main other tool that you’ll use is Microsoft Teams. Microsoft Teams is going to replace Schoology Conferences or Zoom or whatever it is that you used last year. You can expect actual live classes online, however the schedule is to be determined. For the first bit of class we’ll be getting used to the technology that we’re going to be using for the beginning of the year. Look for updates on Schoology on what to expect next and welcome to the new school year!

Mr. Sajdak